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Intentional Activity:

Be Creative - Paint Together

Don't mind the mess, encourage it and bond together over painting anything and everything! From painting gifts for family members to rocks to place out in the garden, take the time to be creating together.

Image Source: Anita Jankovic on Unsplash

There are many creative ideas one can do with paint, below are just a few to help you get started:
- Search for rocks together, paint them different colors and place them in your garden or flower beds.
- Paint on computer paper and hang them up in your child's room.
- When wrapping a gift for a loved one, use brown shipping paper and paint it with your child. Turn simple gift wrapping into a gift of its own.
- Have your child paint their hand and make hand print art.
- Turn it into a teaching moment and learn colors with your child.

The options are endless.

Overall, just take the time to be with your child and do something creative. The link below is a jumping off point to get started!

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The link above IS an affiliate link. While this is a product, the intention is to use it as a tool to spend more intentional time with your child.

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Activity Tags:

Age Group:

Indoor / Outdoor:


Price Point:


Est. Time:

Chad Vrla

3-5, 6-8

Last Updated:


Crafts, Work with Your Hands



$0-$10, $11-$30

5-15min, 15-30min

We hope you enjoy the Intentional Activities recommended. We strive to bring you quality content and ideas to assist in the continual pursuit of your children. Please understand your child's abilities and use discretion when partaking in any idea or activity listed on The Intentional Father. The Intentional Father is not liable for any harm caused.


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