Intentional Activity:
Clean Up
It is important as parents to assist in growing our children's respect of their surroundings. You can initiate and support that mindset by gathering your family, getting out and showing care for your town, city, country.

Image Source: Shutterstock
It is important for our children to recognize the importance of our job as caretakers of our earth. It is hard to launch into the seemingly endless void of solving the entire earth's problems. I find it better, and more logistically possible to start in your micro cycle.
During the pandemic my family and I were at home a lot more. We took to our local neighborhood and began taking walks every day that we were able.
We saw a lot of trash laying on our streets and around our local part of town. We took it upon ourselves to get gloves, bring trash bags and started cleaning up the streets. We spent time together. We picked up a lot of trash. We interacted with neighbors, had many a honk of support. A gentleman stopped and even paid our kids for the positive effort they were making. Our children felt pride for caring for where they live. They walked a decent distance, and made our little part of town just a bit better.
Use this idea, and launch from there. Operate as a family unit, find an area of your town and make it better. Be safe, be smart, and have some fun while trying to make a small difference.
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Related Intentional Activities:
Activity Tags:
Age Group:
Indoor / Outdoor:
Price Point:
Est. Time:
3-5, 6-8, 9-11, 12-14, 15-17, 18+
Last Updated:
Volunteer / Serve, Work with Your Hands
30min-1hr, 1hr-2hr
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