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Intentional Activity:

Exact Instructions Challenge

Pick a chore or task, then have your child write out detailed instructions on how to complete the task. The trick is, you must follow the instructions word-for-word! If the task fails, have them modify the instructions and try again.

Image Source: Josh Darnit - YouTube

This is a fun way to spend time with your children while also messing with them! When I say follow the instructions, I mean follow the instructions to the T. It will not only be funny, but it will highlight assumptions made, teach how to write descriptive instructions, and provide satisfaction when they get you to complete the task.

Have fun with it. Mess up on purpose until there is simply no way around the instructions. At the same time, know and read your children. If they are getting to the point of frustration where it is no longer fun, then either help them with the next round of updates, or read between a few of the lines.

In all, make sure you are doing it for the experience with your children and not only to mess with them! As always with our Intentional Activities, be completely present. Remove distractions, turn off your phone or put it in another room. Don't have the TV on in the background. Be Present. Be Intentional.

Below are a few tasks to spark ideas:
- How to make a Peanut Butter and Jelly sandwich (video of this one in the link below. It's hilarious)
- How to make slime
- How to draw a simple picture
- How to make fresh orange juice
- How to fold a shirt (or other articles of clothing)
- How to rebuild a Lego kit
- Instructions on the logical approach of doing a jigsaw puzzle (Teaching about If/Then statements)
- How to make a bed
- How to get the perfect pony-tail
- How to tie a shoe (or a knot in general)

The link below is to an example video of this activity, enjoy!

The link above is NOT an affiliate link. The Intentional Father simply believes it to be a great resource for fathers!

The link above IS an affiliate link. While this is a product, the intention is to use it as a tool to spend more intentional time with your child.

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Related Intentional Activities:


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Set a timer, have your child pick the activity they want to do, spend good ole quality time with them on their terms.

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Fun, easy, and exciting way to break out of your norm and enjoy family time! Get down on your hands and feet and get tangled up with your kids!


Activity Tags:

Age Group:

Indoor / Outdoor:


Price Point:


Est. Time:

Chad Vrla

6-8, 9-11, 12-14

Last Updated:


General Fun


Just for Fun, Technical Writing


5-15min, 15-30min, 30min-1hr

We hope you enjoy the Intentional Activities recommended. We strive to bring you quality content and ideas to assist in the continual pursuit of your children. Please understand your child's abilities and use discretion when partaking in any idea or activity listed on The Intentional Father. The Intentional Father is not liable for any harm caused.


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