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Intentional Activity:

Home Depot - DIY Kids

From learning how to make a birdhouse to a terrarium, Home Depot has great DIY Project Guides for Kids. Build along with your child and help them gain the confidence of working with their hands!

Image Source: Home Depot Link

Tagged with a difficulty level and time, each activity will teach you how to make something fun and exciting. The activities are well documented with step by step instructions. Some have a build kit that can be purchased, others simply use items found around the house. Either way, get your hands dirty and build something together!

For all of these projects, there are two pieces of advice I will give (this is basically the same advice for most learning activities):

1. Do not take over. The point of these projects is for quality time, not for the project to be complete or for it to look a certain way when it's complete. As an engineer, this is the one I struggle with the most. What could take a few minutes, me building and my kids watching, will probably take 30 minutes or more. Plan for that extra time. But don't just plan it with the clock, plan it in you mind too. Know and understand that it will take longer and fight every urge you have to grab the hammer and drive in the last nail.

2. As with all Intentional Activities, be 100% present. Remove all distractions. Leave your phone in another room. Be fully and completely in the moment.

No matter if the complete project looks anything like it was intended or not, enjoy the process. Get your hands dirty, learn something together, and have fun doing it!

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The link above IS an affiliate link. While this is a product, the intention is to use it as a tool to spend more intentional time with your child.

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Related Intentional Activities:


The next time you do a vehicle check, bring out a stool for your children to observe what you are doing.

Car Work


Go to the garage and/or shop, show your kids a tool, how it works, and of course with safety in mind, allow them to use the tool!

Shop Sessions


Spend quality time with your child through pre-drilled, easy to build projects! Lowes has a line of Build and Grow woodworking projects that are fun and easy to build!

Build and Grow DIY Kit

Activity Tags:

Age Group:

Indoor / Outdoor:


Price Point:


Est. Time:

Chad Vrla

3-5, 6-8, 9-11, 12-14

Last Updated:

Indoor, Outdoor

Crafts, DIY, Tools, Work with Your Hands


Hand Eye Coordination, Motor Skills, Work with Your Hands

$0-$10, $11-$30

15-30min, 30min-1hr, Half Day

We hope you enjoy the Intentional Activities recommended. We strive to bring you quality content and ideas to assist in the continual pursuit of your children. Please understand your child's abilities and use discretion when partaking in any idea or activity listed on The Intentional Father. The Intentional Father is not liable for any harm caused.


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