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Intentional Activity:

Letters to Service Personnel

Take time out of the day to give back with your child. Sit down together and write notes, draw pictures, or make crafts for the men and women serving in the military or as first responders. Not only will this activity provide quality time together, it can also teach humility and kindness.

Image Source:

At any given point, there are thousands of men and women serving in the armed forces and as first responders. Each day they put their personal lives aside and make the choice to serve those they do not even know. For some, that means putting their life in danger. When you continually serve others, day in and day out, any encouragement goes a long way. Today, take a few minutes to show your support and love.

Be an example for your kids and lead them in writing letters to encourage someone today. Show them what it's like to humble yourself and do something for someone else.

There are many organizations that send letters, care-packages, and more to those serving across the United States and over seas. During my research one in particular stood out, primarily due to the fact that they serve more than just deployed troops, but also for how simple they have made the process to help.

Operation Gratitude is a nation-wide nonprofit dedicated to providing people across our great country with opportunities for hands-on volunteerism to say 'thank you' to our Military, Veterans, and First Responders. They serve and support deployed troops, the National Guard, Police Departments, Fire Departments & EMS, Healthcare workers, Military Families, and Veterans. Their mission is simple: Honor the service of our Military and First Responders by creating opportunities to express gratitude.

They make it easy to sign up, provide a letter writing guide and even printable coloring sheets for kids. The only expense to you is the postage.

As a note, The Intentional Father is not affiliated with Operation Gratitude in any way. I simply believe they are providing an excellent service worth supporting.

Be Intentional today with your child. Spend quality time together and give back. Many will be thankful and you and your child will be better for it.

The link above is NOT an affiliate link. The Intentional Father simply believes it to be a great resource for fathers!

The link above IS an affiliate link. While this is a product, the intention is to use it as a tool to spend more intentional time with your child.

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Related Intentional Activities:


Send your child on a scavenger hunt to find a treasure! This can be as simple or elaborate as you want. Lead them to a birthday gift or to an event/activity they would enjoy. Either way, be right along side, just as excited to solve each clue.

Scavenger Hunt


Serve with your child as a Greeter at your church. Invite others in with a wave and smile. Serving together can greeting impact your child!

Greeter at Church


Either on your phone or an old photo album, intentionally set aside time to sit down together and look through old pictures!

Look Through Photos Together

Activity Tags:

Age Group:

Indoor / Outdoor:


Price Point:


Est. Time:

Chad Vrla

3-5, 6-8, 9-11, 12-14, 15-17, 18+

Last Updated:


Crafts, Volunteer / Serve



Free, $0-$10

5-15min, 15-30min, 30min-1hr

We hope you enjoy the Intentional Activities recommended. We strive to bring you quality content and ideas to assist in the continual pursuit of your children. Please understand your child's abilities and use discretion when partaking in any idea or activity listed on The Intentional Father. The Intentional Father is not liable for any harm caused.


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