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Intentional Activity:

Take a Hike

Enjoy the outdoors and spend quality one on one time with your child! Whether a casual stroll or mountain trek, take the time to step away from the hustle of life and experience nature together.

Image Source: Juliane Liebermann on Unsplash

Whether in a Local, State, or National Park or even sidewalks through a neighborhood, there are places to walk and hike all around. Start a morning routine or choose a random weekend afternoon, hikes are an excellent way to spend quality one on one time with a child. Depending on the age of your child, or the current relationship, plan out talking points in an effort to learn and develop a closer bond. Or sometimes quality quiet time together can be just as effective. Know your child and prepare accordingly.

Simple ideas to get your child more interested:
- Track your steps or distance hiked and set a goal to achieve within a given timeframe
- Play games along the way like I Spy, 20 Questions, or would you rather
- Pack snacks. . . lots of snacks!
- Take your time. Let your child go off trail, jump and climb over tree limbs, throw rocks into the river. Plan enough time for your kid to be a kid.
- Depending on where you are hiking, bring a portable Bluetooth speaker and let your child pick the playlist. Of course, be respectful to those around you in regards to the volume.

If you are looking for trails near you, check out the link below, Filter the difficulty, length, etc., and see ratings and comments from other adventurers!

The link above is NOT an affiliate link. The Intentional Father simply believes it to be a great resource for fathers!

The link above IS an affiliate link. While this is a product, the intention is to use it as a tool to spend more intentional time with your child.

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Related Intentional Activities:


Pick a Saturday, give your kids a small amount of money, and go yard sale hopping together!

Yard Sale Saturday


Have some fun in the sun with a water balloon fight! Get in on the action and spend some fun, quality time with your kids.

Water Balloon Fight


Re-create trick shots you have seen or come up with your very own, either way, spend quality time with your child while having fun together!

Attempt Trick Shots

Activity Tags:

Age Group:

Indoor / Outdoor:


Price Point:


Est. Time:

Chad Vrla

6-8, 9-11, 12-14, 15-17, 18+

Last Updated:




Just for Fun

Free, $0-$10

15-30min, 30min-1hr, Half Day

We hope you enjoy the Intentional Activities recommended. We strive to bring you quality content and ideas to assist in the continual pursuit of your children. Please understand your child's abilities and use discretion when partaking in any idea or activity listed on The Intentional Father. The Intentional Father is not liable for any harm caused.


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