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Intentional Moment:

5 Love Languages

Learn your child's Love Language! Everyone, even your children, receive and feel love in different ways. Ensure you are pouring into them in a way they truly feel loved!

5 Love Languages

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Depending on the age of your child, have them take the 5 Love Language quiz or you can take it for them. As you or they are going through the quiz, discuss some of the questions. Ask why they would prefer one choice over the other.

Once the quiz is complete, look through the results with them. Ask if they feel the results correspond to how they feel they receive love. Ask if they believe you have done a good job in this area, or specifically, ask what you can do better. Be open minded and truly listen to what they have to say. It may be completely different than how you would want someone to show you love, but that's the point!

The biggest take away here is to actually follow through and adapt. Most likely you fill find something out you didn't know about your child. Be intentional and incorporate this new way to show love. The fact that you listened AND acted on the information will show just how much you care. Don't just go through the motions, simply taking the quiz with them isn't enough.

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The link above is NOT an affiliate link. The Intentional Father simply believes it to be a great resource for fathers!

Related Intentional Moments:

It is a fun way to gain a picture of your child in as many ways as you want. Ask questions of their favorite movie, book, song, color, animal, clothes, games etcetera. It is interesting to compare answers over time-age as they grow and experience more of life. There are specific templates to log these answers if you want to come back to their answers over time.



Be intentional with your conversations. Utilize thought provoking conversation starters that are great for Father/Child relationship building!



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Category Tags:
Build Relationship, Learning Your Child
Chad Vrla
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