First of all, thank you for checking out the site. I am excited for you to see what all The Intentional Father has to offer! But more importantly, I am excited for you and your family. The fact that you are here and reading this means that you want more for your children, and they are lucky to have you as their father.

The intentional Father's Mission is to encourage and equip fathers to be not only physically present in their child's life, but physically and emotionally involved through purposeful thoughts, planned activities, and intentional moments.
Every section of this website is dedicated to fulfilling that mission. From the Intentional Activities to the Better YOU resources, we want you to be the best you for your children. Below outlines what the site has to offer, similar to the About page. Take a look around, if you find the site helpful, great! Let us know through the Connect With Us page linked at the bottom of every page. If you see areas we can improve, please let us know too. Similar to improving ourselves as father's each day, The Intentional Father wants to continually improve as your resource guide to help you grow closer with your child.
Continually growing list of Intentional Activities that assist you in purposefully
planning time with your child. The list can be filtered many different ways to
specifically fit your budget, child's age, personality, etc. Get new ideas to not just fill time throughout the week, but to enjoy quality time with your child.
Our Intentional Moments list is intended to provide opportunities and ideas to more deeply connect with your child. Not necessarily activities, but thought out and purposeful moments that can strengthen your Father/Child bond.
The Encouragement page is intended simply for that, encouragement. Daily thoughts, triumphs, and struggles written to encourage you. Sometimes, just knowing others struggle the same way, in the same things, is encouraging. Other times, reading about Father/Son or Daughter victories is the smile needed for the day.
Being an Intentional Father is challenging. It is even more challenging when we have our own struggles to endure. It is difficult to pour into someone else when you so badly need to be poured into yourself. That's why we created Better YOU. It provides resources for Men/Fathers to improve their own body, mind, and actions with the intent to then be able to better Father their children. From our Recommended Reading list to better understanding your financial situation, Better YOU provides resources to help.
We are so appreciative for you checking out the site and hope you find all the information helpful and useful! If there are any additional resources you need but are not listed on the site, again, please do not hesitate to reach out.
My father didn't tell me how to live. He lived and let me watch him do it. - Clarence Budington Kelland
I am proud that you want to do better for you and your children. Thank you for being intentional with your time and actions. The world needs more fathers like you. Have a great day!
Be Present. Be Intentional
- Chad